Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Artwork at Sean's, framed by Elite Framing and hanging on the wall!

All this week, I've shown you my paintings which are now hanging at Sean's Coffee Shop in Cupar.

Today, I thought you might like to see them framed and in situ.

the framing was done by Elite Framing, Cupar.
they're a Fine Art Guild Commended framer and all is done to conservation standards.
His Facebook is HERE  and his Twitter HERE

 This is how the lounge at Sean's looked prior to the paintings hanging.

and here it is with all the paintings in situ

and each painting individually

and in the rest room, the floral painting.

Photos were taken using a mobile, so the colours aren't exact, but you get the idea!
I hope one day you'll be able to visit Sean's and see them in person - as well as sample his delicious cake!

Until then, do pay his Facebook a visit, HERE  - or his Twitter, HERE 
Thank you.


  1. Oh yes, fabulous! Your paintings fit perfectly on the wall. And I love the frames! Well, I have to visit Sean's one day, would be great! xx Judy

  2. Thanks Judy. They are a good fit and the framer has done an excellent job. I would love to sit there with you and enjoy a coffee, cake and a chat. xx

  3. They look great! Good framework really sets off artwork to best advantage.

  4. Wow Pat these are certainly a great asset to Sean's- perfect for this setting. Love your floral painting too. So happy you are sharing your lovely art with others. It takes a bit of courage to put our art somewhere to be seen. So glad you did! Hugs sweet friend. Have a great weekend.


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