Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Stages 4-6 of Immolatum

the painting progresses with stages 4 - 6.
Whilst I was happy with the face, I was not too happy with the arms.
They do get changed within these stages and in the final stage too.
Sometimes I leave an area if I am not happy with it and change it right at the last.

4) More work around the face and beard

5) deepening the darks

6) under wash on crown of thorns

I have to finish up the crown of thorns and then make any  adjustments necessary - and you will see the finished painting on Friday.


  1. I have thus decided why God didn't give me the talent of drawing/painting. I would be too impatient for all the steps and waiting in between and such. You, on the other hand, are very talented!

    And it amazes me that you can paint something...then take it off and change it. Such as the arms. It will be interesting to see the changes made.

  2. This is coming on very well Pat :0)

  3. Thanks Tonya xx
    There are some colours which stain, so you can't lift them off.. but I use those very rarely. And not for a portrait.. which I am still learning on!

  4. Oh Pat...
    So lovely...
    The expression of love, wisdom, and human pain. I am just so impressed. This must have been so hard to paint. So glad you did it. It adds to the world...

  5. Thanks, Christiane - glad you think so xx

  6. Thank you Ann.. honestly, it was very emotional painting the face and the crown. I did have a teary wobble at one point. xx

  7. I can't wait to see the final project. There is much more involved in this than I ever realized

  8. I hope you like the finished piece, Ann.
    There was a lot of work involved.. I could probably have photographed a few more stages - only I had to just carry on at certain points.. xx

  9. Dear Pat
    I believe it is all in his eyes. They alone tell the story.. The emotion is strong.

  10. It's going very well, Pat! I'm anxious to see the final work. Good luck. Hugs from Anamaria

  11. Thanks Penny and Anamaria. xx
    Tomorrow is the finished pic!

  12. Dear Pat,
    I admire your challenging spirit and techniques. Please keep up. Very much looking forward to the finishing.
    Best wishes, Sadami

  13. Thanks, Sadami... you're very kind :) xx


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