Saturday, 19 June 2010

In honour of Bill Tomei

In honour of Bill Tomei - and to bring comfort to his wife, Amy.

I need to tell you a story.....
recently Bill passed away and I made a blog post about losing a good friend who loved dogs.
Many people from many countries searched the internet when Bill passed and many came across my blog post. One in particular - Noel , who worked with Bill - was moved to leave a comment.

Noel left the blog via my gallery site and fell in love with two paintings, which he asked to buy.
I promised him that all proceeds would be used to sponsor a rescue kennel in memory of Bill, to honour his life and friendship.

Here are the paintings that Noel has had framed, and are now hanging in his house, across the ocean.

The monies were enough to sponsor a kennel and a half.
And this is where Marie comes in. Marie is a good friend, who I met through Bill because of our mutual love of dogs.

I explained to Marie what a wondrous thing had come to pass because of the blog post and as quick as you please, Marie offered to make up the cost of the second kennel, so we could sponsor it for Amy.

For love of Bill and Amy Tomei, some dogs in Battersea Dogs & Cats Home are now warm and safe - which I know will give them both great pleasure.
Why Battersea and not a US rescue? My dog came from Battersea . Bill and Amy both adored her - and any shelter which kept a dog for two years whilst it waited for a new home was a good shelter in their book!

In Noel's own words, re: Bill, Amy, the paintings and the rescue kennels : I think it’s a beautiful story. I tell everyone I know; feel free to pass it on.

It is a beautiful story - its the story of love.
Pass it on.
Just like Bill did. :)


  1. That is a nice story. And any shelter that would keep a dog for two years is a good shelter! We found a city shelter around here once that did that. I was impressed, because most city shelters only keep them a bit. I wish we could get through peoples heads to adopt from shelters!

  2. Thanks, Tonya xx

    Bill was a great believer in rescue.
    When I first adopted Missy, he was enchanted by her and her rescue - and he let me fundraise on his board to help them. We raised just over £400 that time.
    When he passed away, his wife asked for donations to the local Humane Society - because that was how they rolled :)

    Bill was always thrilled when a dog got a second chance at life. xx

  3. Thanks Dora. xx

    Its quite something for someone to touch so many lives xx

  4. I was honored to be a part of the kennel sponsorship. I got back much more than I gave. And I'm loving this post and story.

    Noel did an excellent job of framing the paintings. He will enjoy them for years to come (I know this from experience.) :O)

    I love your ending Pat and I think it should be a universal 'ending salutation' so to speak so I shall borrow it with your permission.


    Pass it on.
    Just like Bill did. :O)

  5. Borrow away, Marie.

    I am the one who is honoured - to be your friend - and that, thanks to Bill and his board. xx

  6. That's so awesome Patt. I'm so proud to hear things being done in Bill's name. He was a fine example of human kind, as Missy is of dog kind.

  7. Thank you, Heather. xx

    It is pretty awesome what love can do xx

  8. Pat truly a beautiful story. So proud of you.

  9. A wonderful story that I'm glad I read just before turning in for the night. Thank you for sharing the story and doing such a kind thing with the proceeds from the sale. Positive Karma coming your way, for sure.

  10. thanks Risa xx
    Hopefully, sharing brought some comfort to Bill's wife and honoured Bill's friendship :)


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