Monday, 20 September 2010

An experiment with Pears

I'm having an experiment with pears. which also involves some masking and some pouring.

Come along with me and enjoy the fun of playing with paint !

In this first stage, I make a drawing of some pears. Thanks to Tricia from Painting Friends for the photo. I like odd numbers in a painting, they seem to sit better for me than two.

Once the drawing is made, I took my trusty water sprayer ( recycled as you can see) and wet the paper completely.

After that, I put some blobs of masking fluid on the paper in a random fashion , got down to paper level and squirted the masking fluid with my sprayer so that it moved around the paper. This is the result.

I found out afterwards, that using the sprayer to move the masking fluid was a mistake! The spray was so powerful it blew fluid into the valleys of my rough paper. If you do want to try this, only use the sprayer to wet the paper. You'll see why later.


  1. Ahh, interesting - I like experiments in art - you never know where they might take you!! Have fun with this, Jane xx

  2. Okay, I'm definitely intrigued by this technique. Keep going and taking pics for us!

  3. Fascinating! Can't wait for the next stage!!

  4. hope you all enjoy the experiment as much as me! xx

  5. I'm poking my head in to see how it goes!


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