Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Ellie in the meadow, simply having fun!

This morning I'd like to show you my latest dog painting.
This is Ellie, a Bedlington Lurcher.
She belongs to Kath, of Hillside House (here) 
Ellie runs in heaven's meadows now, but still loved as much as she ever was.


Saunders Waterford 140 Rough
15x11 inches


  1. This is a beautiful painting Pat :-)

  2. Very nice, she looks happy in all those flowers.

  3. Dear Pat - Ellie is beautiful. You have such a way of capturing these animals sweet personalities. Checked out Hillside House. Wonderful place to visit. Have a great day.

  4. Ellie looks like a cutie. A sweet painting

  5. If ever there was a smiling dog. Great job.

  6. Such a wonderful tribute Pat! There is no greater feeling than when my little yorkie smiles at me....

  7. I love her smile, such a happy painting!

  8. Ciao Pat,
    hai ritratto benissimo la felicità di Ellie, felicità mostrata in modo così disarmante come solo i cani possono fare.
    Anch'io ho avuto un cane (Vega era il suo nome) e conosco bene una quantità di espressioni canine.
    Questa l'hai dipinta benissimo!
    Ciao, ciao, Floriana

  9. A sweet painting for sure Pat. One the dogs owners will cherish through time. Thank you for popping by my blog and for your always appreciated comments. It has been a long while since last i blogged! So nice to see what you are up to. :) It is all good.


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